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February 22, 2012


vicki marshall

Have looked in Amazon endlessly for Croquembouche (short story) but it is not available. Please help Jael as you advertised it on your blog as being available for E-Kindle. I'm a great fan of yours incidentally!

J.D. Begin

Beautiful photo. Love the perspective and colors. Is it yours?


Hi to you both! J.D., thanks, and yes, I took this in Hawaii -- what a gorgeous corner of the world.

Vicki, thanks for asking about Croquembouche! You should be able to access it on Amazon via this link: http://www.amazon.com/Croquembouche-ebook/dp/B0061OR6Q0/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1330448267&sr=1-1


I've just finished the Kitchen Daughter (In Italian)Magical,couldn't put it down.Haven't tried any recepies

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