In Monica Bhide's excellent writing workshop at Eat Write Retreat, our groups engaged in an interesting exercise. Each group was given a food item inside a brown paper bag, and asked to describe it in writing using any sense but taste. We then read our descriptions aloud to see whether the other groups could guess our item. Some were well-known (Oreos) and some not (bamboo rice?) and our group had a well-known but highly changeable item it was our pleasure to describe thusly:
Crinkle, crush, snap and then open.
A block of blonde, wavy ringlets thirsty for flavor.
Boil the water to swell its starchy tentacles.
Breathe in the saline steam.
Zero to ninety with just a sprinkle.
Slurp the slippery strands.
Bland to start, salty to finish!
Can you guess the item from our brown paper bag?
(Many thanks to Dan of Dan's Good Side for actually writing this down!)