Lest you think it's all multicourse meals and Guinness themes and extravagant tapas around here, I thought it might be fun to look at a few everyday things that happen in the Simmer household.
For one thing, this is a really bang-up lunch for me:
Reheated lentil soup + cheese + sriracha. Perfection.
And I often make lunches for my husband to take to work. A demonstration of the ways in which these meals pretty much define non-extravagance:
Meat and veg:
Meat and veg:
Meat and veg:
You get the picture. Literally.
I am a meat eater myself and I like what you prepared because there is vegetable that goes with it. It looks very easy to make and not expensive. Just right for my budget.
Posted by: Brad Fallon | January 25, 2011 at 09:08 PM