As a debut author, there are a lot of amazing moments along the way -- the deal! the contract! the first check! the laid-out pages! -- and one of the most amazing of them all happened recently at Kitchen Daughter HQ: the arrival of actual, physical, incredibly booklike ARCs.
I say "incredibly booklike" because they're not the finished book, as you can probably guess from the word "Advance" in Advance Review Copy, but:
They have spines and covers and they're filled with words. Words I wrote. Whoa. So yes. Very very very much like a book.
Did I say "whoa"? I meant "whooooooooaaaaaaa."
So who gets them, and when, and why? There are a number of different waves of mailings planned -- major long-lead media first, and then several other mailings to bookstores (whee!) and libraries and book club leaders and other extremely awesome stakeholders. While a few are going out this week to major magazine and newspaper reviewers, most of this won't happen til January. Patience, my friends. Patience.
Somehow The Kitchen Daughter's April launch is still both a long way off and RIGHT around the corner.
Congrats, Jael! How very exciting!
Posted by: Jacqueline Whitmore | December 09, 2010 at 04:50 PM
Holy Crap Machinery, your name is at the top of that page. It's like you wrote it or something.
Posted by: santulli | December 10, 2010 at 04:34 PM
I just love that cover. It's a whole new take on the LBD! Congrats! The Kitcherati references have me intrigued.
Posted by: Jen Erickson | December 11, 2010 at 10:46 PM
Oooh, Jael, LOVE your cover. I have a novel coming out from Gallery in February 2012. Just found you via Claire Cook's twitter feed and would love to be in touch!
Posted by: Pamela Redmond Satran | December 16, 2010 at 03:15 PM
Our library received an advance copy of The Kitchen Daughter. I picked it up on a whim, and I really love it so far. Good luck on the release.
Posted by: AG | February 13, 2011 at 04:15 PM
I like all this images and I think you have huge collection kitchens book. Thanks for shearing this stuff here.
Posted by: Kitchens | March 04, 2011 at 12:51 PM
This one is really looking one of the most informative book about kitchen. And the existing content and information of this book really makes me about it. I have read out the many edition of this one.
Posted by: microdermabrasion | June 10, 2011 at 10:57 AM