It's fun to experiment with new ingredients. It's also fun to experiment with ingredients that are almost exactly like your old ingredients, but prettier.
I picked up these multicolored baby carrots at Eataly, the new Italian food temple near Madison Square Park, not entirely sure what to do with them. My previous experience with multicolored carrots was mixed: they were tasty and everything, but once you peeled the red skin, the carrots were orange on the inside, which was... kind of not impressive.
So I decided not to peel these, just in case. They were tender and small enough to not be too bitter with the peel on. It meant a LOT of scrubbing, though. A LOT. And then, trimmed at the top and sliced in the middle, they still looked awfully pretty.
A simple, fairly standard preparation: first, thoroughly rubbed with olive oil and salted.
Then just roasted for a long time at 400 degrees, periodically stirred around so they get browned in the maximum number of places.
There's nothing wrong with standard.
Especially when it looks and tastes so good.
(A note about the purple ones: remember that if it is red enough to look pretty, it is red enough to stain your hands, clothes, cutting board, pets, etc. Treat purplish-red carrots as carefully as you would beets or pomegranates.)
(Served with a tasty but very brown chicken shawarma, so a little color was especially welcome.)